Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Amazing deal between Google and News corps

In News on December 1, 2009 by Dave Winer

Gotta say I never saw this coming.Permalink to this paragraph

BBC: “Newspaper publishers will now be able to set a limit on the number of free news articles people can read through Google, the company has announced.”Permalink to this paragraph

“Previously, each click from a user would be treated as free,” Google senior business product manager Josh Cohen said in a blog post.Permalink to this paragraph

“Now, we’ve updated the programme so that publishers can limit users to no more than five pages per day without registering or subscribing.” Permalink to this paragraph

What does this mean? Do you use Google News? If so, do you see yourself continuing to use it?Permalink to this paragraph

Why did Google agree to this? Permalink to this paragraph

Very surprising.Permalink to this paragraph